Global Voices does provide a list of tweeple:
@MiriamElder, @ioffeinmoscow, @shaunwalker7, @A_Osborn, @oflynnkevin, @agent_Alka, @courtneymoscow, @PeterGOliver_RT, @mschwirtz, @markmackinnon, @tonyhalpin, @Amiefr_Reuters, @RolandOliphant, @niktwick are tweeting live in English from the big protest rally that is taking place at Bolotnaya Square in Moscow right now; @agoodtreaty is monitoring Russian-language Twitter coverage of the protests in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia.
But Livejournal, even in senility, still seems a far more potent location of protest. It's where Navalny hangs out. It's where Vladislav Surkov, Kremlin insider and puppetmaster of "Managed Democracy", popped up to propose an urban liberal party.
But I can't tell if LJ really is still important, or if I'm just noticing things there because of familiarity.
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